What is Siempre Plus?
Siempre Plus is our loyalty program for our customers who travel frequently on Primera Plus.
How do I sign up for the Siempre Plus Program?
- At www.siempreplus.com.mx
- By phone at 477 710 0060 or 477 710 00 01 during the following hours 07:00 to 23:59 hrs.
- Email siempreplus@flecha-amarilla.com.
- In Customer Service (North Mexico, new central Guadalajara, Queretaro, Leon, Celaya, Morelia and Irapuato).
How many kilometers do I need for a ticket?
To use your mileage, it depends on the distance between origin – destination that you wish to occupy.
How do I sign in to my Siempre Plus account?
Where can I check my account statement?
Feel free to log on to www.siempreplus.com.mx and check your transactions.
How do I credit my tickets?
There are several quick and simple options.
- 477 710 0060 or 477 710 00 01 during the following hours 07:00 to 23:59 hrs.
- siempreplus@flecha-amarilla.com (Sending your tickets in scanned form in JPG format).
- In each of the main bus stations there is a Customer Service area where you can leave your tickets and they will be credited to your account.
- At www.siempreplus.com.mx
How long does it take for my kilometers to be reflected?
The tickets are reflected within 24 to 48 hours after generating the transaction.
What is Redimir?
This is the way to exchange your accumulated kilometers for a Benefit Ticket (Free).
I lost my Siempre Plus number, how can I get it back?
We invite you to call 477 710 0060 or 477 710 00 01 or send your request to siempreplus@flecha-amarilla.com, here we will help you to track your data and provide you with the information you need during the following hours 07:00 to 23:59 hrs.
What is the validity of a Benefit Ticket?
The Benefit Ticket is valid for 30 calendar days from the date of application.
How do I cancel my benefit ticket?
You may cancel your ticket as long as it has not been redeemed and the operation number is still valid, which will carry a penalty of 30% of the mileage used on the Benefit ticket.
Can I credit my family’s tickets to my account?
The accumulation is completely individual, one ticket per service and will be made at the time the trip is made.
How can I accumulate kilometers?
- By telephone at 477 710 0060 or 477 710 00 01 during the following hours 07:00 to 23:59 hrs.
- By email siempreplus@flecha-amarilla.com.
- www.siempreplus.com.mx
What benefits do I have?
The benefit is free tickets, depending on the mileage you have to grant your ticket.
Benefit Ticket Specifications
You will be able to choose the time and destination of your choice, as long as you have the necessary mileage.
Can the open ticket be accumulated?
The open ticket is not accumulable until you make the redemption and it has the time and date to be accumulated.
Does the website credit tickets?
Yes, additionally you will be able to accumulate tickets, consult your movements and Redimir.
What information should I send by email to credit my tickets?
Preferably the scanned tickets in JPG format or the following data: Origin, Destination, Date, Schedule and Seat.
Where can I make my kilometers valid?
There are two ways to use your kilometers:
- By phone at 477 710 0060 or 477 710 00 01 (it is an open ticket valid for 30 days) during the following hours 07:00 to 23:59 hrs.
- Website Siempre Plus www.siempreplus.com.mx (it is a redeemed ticket with established data, time and date).
Can someone else use my ticket without having made the name change?
The ticket holder must be present to make the name change, since the ticket must be in the passenger’s name in order for the traveler’s insurance to apply in case of an accident.
How do I validate tickets that I purchased on the Website and APP if I didn’t recieve them?
Call our Call Center 477 710 00 60 or 477 710 00 01 during the following hours 07:00 to 23:59 hrs.